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What it means to our team to be ranked among the SDM100

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Our team is excited and thankful for the opportunities we have been provided. Coming together, and shifting created opportunities for business expansion and supported our families during one of the hardest business climates in the last 100 years.


Change is inevitable and somewhat unpredictable. Over the past 25 years our industry has thrived during Y2K, 9/11, recessions and most recently COVID-19. Each have presented their own challenges to integrators and large companies alike. Our team is no different. We believe that the challenge makes us stronger, and creating a culture that is ready to work together to face what the world throws at us is our True North.

Creating a culture that is ready to work together to face what the world throws at us is our True North. - Chris Gilbert

We have lost our culture before. We followed the path typically traveled and gave into the allure of corporate "red-tape" and creating separation between our departments. This led us to nearly closing the doors. To put it in perspective, we went from being listed as one of America's fastest growing integrators to only having four employees. During that time the future was right in front of us but our team could not see it. We simply could not get out of our own way.

Going through that challenge, not giving up and learning to pick ourselves back up and refusing to repeat that debacle has proven fruitful. Today, we are thriving, developing our team both personally, professionally and with purpose. Our mission is to create leaders in every role, both internal and in the field. We work very hard to challenge our team members to think like owners, stay transparent and learn to lead through action.


The SDM100 ranking has motivated our team to grow our business beyond expectations. Our team see's this as an opportunity to expand our brand, our message and our way of doing business. It has created a team motivation that will help expand our thinking, focus our teams on our technology and our clients to ensure that we continue on our chosen path.

Shifting properly over the years has helped us our company thrive in difficult time.

Attending tradeshows and having the opportunity to listen to others, lead discussions and workshop ideals has allowed us a vision to shift. So many companies and leaders believe in their direction so strongly that they put their teams and their company's at risk. Doubling down on a good idea in a dying business trend won't pull you out of a slump. Learn to recognize the trend, make an adjustment and be transparent about your reason to shift. Your team needs to understand the move and how to implement it within their given role in your business.

This one ability, has proven to give us a superpower and brought us through Covid-19 stronger and more ready than ever to shift if necessary. We are so proud of our team for seeing the needs, the vision and for being ready to adapt to the marketplace.


We want to thank SDM and congratulate our fellow integrators on their rankings here in 2022. The achievement is something to be very proud of and it should be celebrated with your teams.

Our company stands ready to write a new chapter in this industry. Our expectations are high, our team is ready and our motivation is endless.

Let's grind. Again.


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